Look around and you will spot many things worth preserving, nourishing, or relishing in our society and country. We call it Treasures. Deep in our minds, most of us want to work towards betterment of social treasures we care for. With our busy lives, we cannot become super-heros and serve the cause. However, everyone can help in their own ways, a bit at a time.
SaveIndianTreasures is a platform that makes it possible. It connects people and their efforts to have the maximum impact. It is all about saving things you think are India Treasures – traditions, technology, institutions, environment, trade, flora & fauna, history, monuments, art & craft, youth & human resource, and much more.
Because, if we don’t value our treasures, we will lose it.
Everyone can do simple things to make a difference, and every little bit really does count.
– Stella McCartney